- The president has sent his top aide to master-mind peace negotiations between the opposing factions. 总统派出他的高级助手去组织安排对立派别之间的和平谈判。
- The peace negotiations were successfully concluded. 和平谈判圆满结束。
- Peace negotiations are still going on. 和谈仍在进行。
- She has played a decisive role in the peace negotiations. 她在和谈中起了关键作用。
- Does this question have nothing whatsoever to do with peace negotiations? 完全与和谈无关吗?
- The peace negotiations failed, the deception fell through and the curtain rose on the war. 和谈失败了,欺骗不行了,战争揭幕了。
- The peace negotiations failed,the deception fell through and the curtain rose on the war. 和谈失败了,欺骗不行了,战争揭幕了。
- There is no more of the pathetic anxiety for peace negotiations of two weeks ago. 两星期以前那种如丧考妣地急着要谈判的神气,再也不见了。
- But despite a return to sectarian violence in the Province in 1996, peace negotiations continue. 尽管1996年,该省又出现了教派之间的暴力行动,但和平谈判仍在进行。
- In Laos, Zhou hoped that the peace negotiations between the Royal Laotian Government and the Pathet Lao would prosper. 在老挝问题上,周恩来希望老挝王国政府与巴特寮的谈判取得成功。
- Their boycott of the talks constitutes a serious impediment to peace negotiations. 他们联合抵制会谈的行为成了和谈的重大障碍。
- Just as we had expected,while Chairman Mao was holding peace negotiations with the Kuomintang in Chongqing,the enemy came in two columns. 果然,毛主席到重庆谈判的时候,敌人从两路来。
- I appeared on live television for the first time in October 1972 to present the breakthrough in the Vietnam peace negotiations. 一九七二年十月,我首次在电视实况转播节目中介绍了在越南和平谈判中取得突破的情况。
- I want peace,the Taiwan affairs should be solved with peaceful negotiations! 我想要和平,台湾问题应该用和平谈判的方式解决。
- The Red Army sent an open telegram on May 5,1936 demanding that the Nanking government end the civil war,conduct peace negotiations with the Communists for unity against Japan. 见一九三六年五月五日中国红军要求南京政府停战议和一致抗日的通电。
- The newly elected president said he plans to contact Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon to discuss the resumption of peace negotiations between the two sides. 又名阿布马詹的阿巴斯眼前已有工作等著他处理。他的首要之务将是弭平占领区内日益升高的暴力事件,并恢复陷入停顿的和平进程。这位甫当选的主席表示,他打算与以色列总理夏隆联系,讨论以巴双方恢复和平协商事宜。
- Bliss:american army officer and diplomat who was the army chief of staff (1917-1918) during World War I and a delegate to the peace negotiations at the war's end. 布利斯:美国军官及外交官,在第一次世界大战中担任军队参谋长(1917-1918年)并在战争结束后任和平谈判代表。
- However, two historic events, peace negotiations between South and North Koreas, Japan-DPRK Pyongyang Manifesto, challenged the alliance of Japan, US and South Korea. 同时 ,朝鲜南北和谈、日朝平壤宣言 ,东北亚两大历史事件也冲击了美日、美韩同盟。
- His views on the status of Jerusalem - one of the key sticking points in Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations - have been no less clear and uncompromising. 导致巴以和谈无法取得进展的一个关键障碍是耶路撒冷地位问题。内塔尼亚胡在这个问题上也毫不含糊。
- Mitchell repeated remarks he made in Israel on Tuesday, when he said the United States wants to see a prompt resumption and early conclusion of peace negotiations. 米切尔重申他星期二在以色列发表的讲话,也就是美国希望及时恢复和尽早结束和平谈判。